
Did You Know?

Aarthik turns out that context is a key part of learning.

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I work with the Banks and Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) as a partner to make it easier for people to get Loans. I make sense of the legalese and deal with the boring paperwork. I give tips and advice about money and how to choose the best loan products for one’s needs.

People like to work with me because they save a lot of time and effort when they do. Big companies can’t give each customer their full attention. I fill the gap by getting the product directly to the customers, answering their questions and helping each client in a way that is just right for them.

Why ME?

1. Know about loan products, both ones that are already out there and ones that are coming out soon.

2. Put people before oneself.

3. Manage projects well

4. Banker for more than 15 years

5. Specialized in working with Industrialists, Business Owners, and Home buyers Let’s meet and converse about the impact of debt on financial success.

Why do I love what I do? Leading Debt funding

Why do I love what I do? A stressed-out businessman ...

Home loan eligibility 

Home loan eligibility depends on various factors, and d...

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